It is July 11, 2007 and I have children. Can you guess what we did tonight? We went to see Harry Potter the Order of the Phoenix of course! All of the Harry Potter books and movies have been extremely impressive so why not make a rainy day into a spectacular event? I ordered our tickets on line during lunch. I wished Oldest Daughter could have been with us but she is off visiting in another state.
For all the hype that usually precedes a big movie debut you would think there would be a special stand in the mall full of Harry Potter memorabilia, costume items and accessories but not here. There was not one Harry Potter thing in the stores around here, nothing at all.
When we reached the ticket person he informed us three of our tickets were for theater 5 and one was for theater 1. He directed us to theater 1 and I thought nothing of it....until later. Theater 1 is apparently the largest they have here, that was nice. What I did not know was the movie would start half an hour later than theater 5. Apparently they do not turn the air-conditioning on in the theater until after the movie starts. We were in that hot room watching commercials for 45 minutes. When I say commercial I mean McDonalds, cell phones, etc., just like they are shown on TV but no show in-between.
As we walked around deciding on where to sit people were oohing and awwing at Snow White's Hogwarts uniform. Where we lived before there were many people of all ages who dressed up as the Harry Potter characters. Tonight, Snow White was the only person dressed up. That is when I noticed everyone in that very full theater was either a teenager or older, everyone except Snow White. After 45 minutes of sitting, sweating, all the chocolate melting and individual Twizlers had jelled into one solid piece, the previews for other movies started. The air-conditioning also started! Yeah!

The movie was FANTASTIC! WOUNDERFULLY STUPENDOUS! Again they have out done themselves!! I will not go in to details due to the fact many people are waiting until the weekend or the DVD. I will tell you the audience CLAPPED! OOOHED AND AWWWED! LAUGHED! CHEERED! WOOHOOED! and SIGHED audibly. They, like I, just could not help themselves. Usually you see this sort of audience participation and reaction only in live performances.
There is a new character, Luna Lovegood, who made me laugh! I read a little bit about her before we went to the movie. Had I not read that little blip about her character I believe I would have missed a few of the funny things related to her character.
Speaking of characters there are a few from movies and TV shows you might not recognize given the way they are dressed for this movie. My subconscious always seems to buzz like an alarm clock when I recognize someone from past movie or TV show. One of my most favorite movies to watch over and over again is Sense and Sensibility.
Alan Rickman - When I watched the first Harry Potter movie, The Sorcerer’s Stone in 2001 I noticed Professor Snape. He was Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensibility in 1995 (loved him in that movie). He has played in many, many movies over the years but my favorites are Sense and Sensibility, Something the Lord Made and the Harry Potter movies.
Emma Thompson - Took my notice as a wonderful actress when I saw her in Sense and Sensibility in 1995. When I watched the DVD of the Harry Potter The Prisoner of Azkaban I knew she was Sybil Trelaway as soon as she spoke! She stunned me when I saw at the end of Nanny McPhee! I also liked her in Howard's End 1992 and Remains of the Day 1993. Again, she has been in many movies, TV shows, is a writer and has many other accomplishments in the industry.
Imelda Staunton - Has played many roles in TV, Movies and Radio but I remember her in Sense and Sensibility as Charlotte Jennings Palmer. As soon as I saw her in the Order of the Phoenix tonight I looked right at ManSon and said nothing. He knew once again my internal alarm went off and I knew what other movies and characters she had played. She only did "her laugh" once during the whole movie. Her laugh confirmed that it was truly her before the credits rolled at the end. Wonderful performance in the movie. Perfect example of sugar and spice and everything nice with a sharp wit and strict adherence to rules. I enjoyed her character in The Order of the Phoenix.
For those who do not have a joy for old period movies you might giggle a bit if you venture to watch Sense and Sensibility for Hugh Laurie, Dr. House on the TV series House, is also in this movie as Mr. Palmer, Mrs. Charlotte Jennings Palmer's (Imelda Staunton) husband.
The regular characters are all in the movie performing wonderfully. I would definitely recommend this movie. There are a bits of scary situations and creepy looking animals so I would not take a child under 6 or 7 years old. Snow White is 8 years old and I did think about it before we went to the movie. If she became frightened or I felt she could not handle the movie I would take her home and come back later for ManSon and his girlfriend. Snow White enjoyed the movie immensely! I asked her several times why she was so quiet and she shhhed me! “Shhhh. I want to hear everything they are saying.”
Oh what a great costume your daughter has! I love it!
LOVE the costume.
Can you believe, I have a ten year old who is NOT interested in Harry Potter?
I think ti's because she was a tad bit young when it first came out. I just got book one of the series and we're going to start there. She saw the movies but movie two scared her .. well the one with the big hairy spider... ha hah ah.
I can't wait to catch up on all the movies.
She is not alone. The one with the big spiders scared the beegeebies out of me! Thank goodness I did not see them on the big screen. I saw them on DVD and could fast forward through them :-)
I am going to make the blog rounds tonight :-)
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